Saturday, May 29, 2010



That is all!  :)

And Happy Anniversary, Stacey!  :D

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I Don't Know How To Title This

Haha.. This post is about a little bit of everything, weather, life, other junk!  :)  So coming up with a wacky title was a bit difficult this morning.

First of all, I didn't have too much time to pay attention to the weather yesterday, but KUDOS to all the chasers who got such amazing video and pictures from SD yesterday!  Wow!  Some extremely beautiful pictures!

Second of all, I feel like my postings are going to become few and far between until I get used to the new job.  Although I'm not on my feet all day like I was in the lab, I am still exhausted when I get home.  Lot's of reading, thinking....  But I absolutely love it!  I thought I needed a change of pace from the lab world, but this first week has proven that it was a NECESSARY change of pace!  I really have enjoyed this week! 

Thirdly, tonight, I say goodbye to my all time favorite TV show, LOST.  I have driven coworkers and other friends crazy.  I actually only caught up on this show last summer, but, in the short amount of time it took me to breeze through 5 seasons, I fell in love.  This show has depth and makes you think.  It's one of the rare shows that came to TV, forces you to use your brain, and actually survived the chopping block!!!  If you have never watched the show before, I understand it seems ridiculous.  Trust me, I was a skeptic.  I was watching it to see what the "big deal" was since I had a few friends who were NUTS about the show.  So tonight...  All will be quiet in the Palmer house except the TV!  And tomorrow I will wear black to mourn LOST.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Looking back...

I'm so ready for vacation now.  I feel like I haven't had a whole lot of time to think about it, except for random reports of a pesky volcano that may or may not disrupt our travel plans!

This year has been amazing.  I decided to go back and look at the list I made before the new year started and see how I've been doing..

#1: Vacation in the UK-IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!

#2: Spotter Training class!-I finally did it.  It might seem strange, but I don't like doing things alone.  I went all alone, and enjoyed hanging out with the weather nerds and watching a really old man fall asleep complete with snoring about 2 minutes into the meeting.

#3: Participate in a few local chases to get a little experience close to home-Done....  Nothing that exciting has happened.  Two "chases" under my belt now.  I wish I lived in a better area to see, but you have to deal with the hand you are given.

#4: As always, lose a few pounds!!-At one point, I was down 15 lbs.  Now it's more like 12 lbs, but I will take it.  I must make it to the gym!!

#5: Learn, learn, learn! Learning is one of my favorite things! I'm going to learn all I can next year!-This is an ongoing process.  I will always be learning.  There is always something new to learn about!

#6: Get a digital SLR camera and take some photography classes before the UK trip!-Well, this didn't happen.  DSLR's are pricey, and I decided that I am going to ask for one for Christmas!

#7: Focus on the positives this year!-Sometimes this is difficult for me.  People who really know me think I'm a fairly positive person.  The reason I included this is because 2009 was such a difficult year for our family.  All the insignificant things you worry about on a day to day basis mean nothing when you are worried about losing your loved ones!  Thank GOD that my sister is healed and healthy!  That's the best present anyone has ever given me!  

So far... A good year!  Let's keep up the trend!  :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


Saturday I was determined to "chase" something.  What that turned out to be was heavy rain showers!  The morning started off with a nice little cell to the south and west of me.  The cell had a 0.5" hail marker on it, and I figured I could intercept it if I drove about 5 miles to the south.  I made it down to a school and pulled into the parking lot to wait.  This storm was moving 8kts.  Waiting for it was like waiting for paint to dry, but, when it finally arrived, I was welcomed by serious heavy rain and no hail or thunder.  I went to at least try to film how hard it was raining, and I realized I forgot the batteries in my video camera. I waited about 5 minutes and headed back home, knowing more storms would be firing later on.

I had a choice.. Storms were firing to the north and to the south.  I went after the storms with the largest hail, since these were primarily heavy rain and hail producers.  So, south we went.  That was wrong... Even though the storms we went after had 0.5" hail markers and higher, storms to the north of us ended up producing golf ball sized hail.  I don't necessarily want hail dents in my car, but I really love hail.  Plus, hail dents give your car character, right?  I have only seen golf ball sized hail 1 time, and that was when I was about 8 years old.  I've seen much smaller hailstones, but only a few times.  So, we made it to Dalton, realized there really wasn't too much else to see, and stopped to eat Mexican food before heading home.  I did see some minor street flooding in Dalton.  These storms were training, and flash flood warnings were issued for many counties in our area.

We made it home, and I decided to turn off the radar and my weather watching.  I heard some thunder and then the beautiful "ping ping" sound I had been waiting for all day!  I should've saved my gas money!!  Pea sized hail was falling!  Here's my video...  I'm so excited, but even more exciting to me is hearing the excitement in Stacey's voice!  Muahaha!!!  He was a trooper!  He drove me through the heavy blinding rain to see hail that didn't exist!  Thank you, Stacey!  :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What a Whirlwind!!

Get it???  A whirlwind?  Wow.....

Anyway, Friday was one of the best days of my entire life!  My last day in the lab....  It was both happy and sad!  My three favorite things in the entire world: Weather, LOST, and my ICP.  Two of those things were highlighted during my "Last Day in the Lab" party!  I received a trophy saying "Most Valuable Chemist" with an ICP torch mounted onto a trophy base!  I was so happy!  :)

That wasn't all.  Around 2pm, my friend and coworker, Lindsey handed me a plane ticket for Oceanic Airlines Flight 815.Those who don't watch LOST will have no idea what any of this means.  I walked into the "Hatch" (also known as the cafeteria) to a LOST congratulations/goodbye party!  Although, it's not really goodbye.. I'll just be working in another building!  This is what I kept telling myself the 9.4 million times I cried on Friday!

Awesome lunch at the Chattanoogan with my bestest friends and coworkers!!

My cake from the LOST party:

Complete with Dharma cola!!

It was an amazing last day in the lab.  Now, I have to prepare for my new job that starts in the morning!  I'm really excited about it!  :)

Did I go chasing yesterday?  The answer is a resounding YES!  And I'll save that blog post for tomorrow!  :)

Friday, May 14, 2010


I will post more in the morning, but look at tomorrow!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

No Sleep and Lab Memories

I have so much on my mind right now!  I start my new job on Monday, and, in just over two weeks, my hubby and I will be heading out to the UK for a week!  I'm a mix of excited and nervous right now, and it has my insomnia going into overdrive!

As I work my last two days in the lab, I have to look back at all the awesome memories I have had.  It's hard to explain what it is like working in a laboratory full of chemists.  In every chemistry lab I have worked in, it's always the same.  Too many people shoved into a small place.  This is both good and bad.  The bad is obvious. You can't get away from each other, so when you are having one of those days, it makes things difficult.

The good... There is so much good.  Some of my very best friends I have met in the lab.  Amy, Julie, Amber, Lindsey, Adam, Josh, Anne...  You know who you are!  I have danced, laughed, and cried with these people!  Although I don't work with some of you anymore, I would have never met you if we hadn't been chemistry nerds together.  I have danced more in the lab than I ever have anywhere else!  We are never short of good times!

Lab work gives you the ability to be social while you work.  While I'm working, I have the ability to talk (my favorite pastime) all day long if I want to.  Not to mention, I have learned.. learned..  LEARNED so much in my stint in the lab!  The last ELEVEN YEARS of my life I have spent in a lab coat!

Friday will be a tough day for me.  The future is bright, but a door in my life will be closed.  I will turn in my lab coat and my ICP, HPLC'S, and GC's.  I will take with me my pipet bulb (hee hee) and all the memories of all the friends I have made and all the good times I have had.

Jeez... I teared up just writing that!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wacky Week Indeed

May 10, 2010 will go down in history as another one of those events that I can't believe unfolded right before my eyes!  Yes, I was armchair chasing the night away!!!  (one day... the Plains!  I can't take this anymore!)  The radar images I saw were absolutely amazing, so I'm going to share my favorites.  I wish that I had moved the warning box and turned off Spotter Network before capturing these photos, but I was so enthralled in what was unfolding that I couldn't think about things like that!

First.... The Wakita, OK storm!  What a gorgeous hook on this bad boy!  Also, notice the line of chasers on that road down there!  Haha!  Lot's of chasers on this storm!

Next, came from the TDWR radar at the OKC airport, as the tornado roared through Moore and Norman, OK.  I knew this was bad, and I followed along with the news and TWC.  Rush hour through a highly populated area... I knew this wouldn't be good.  But this radar image is amazing!
The next radar image is a cell producing TWO tornadoes...  Crazy!!  One in the main hook part, and another to the north where that other tiny little hook is!
Anyway.. It was a crazy day.  I wanted to spend my week reminiscing about laboratory memories, since this is my last week as a lab rat, but weather has been taking all my attention!!  Not to mention, chemistry is rebelling against me and my career change!!  But that is for another post!  Have a good day everyone!

Edit: I would like to add that both of my targets would have put me in good position!  Enid, OK was perfect, but I could've easily shot north from Wichita Falls, TX and intercepted those cells!  Hooray for forecasting!  I'm getting better!

Monday, May 10, 2010

HIGH Risk in the Plains

Okay...  My official target for today is Enid OK.  I gave up on Wichita Falls...  So, anyway.. enough of my fake chasing scenario!

High risk was issued for today in OK/KS.  The wording is pretty intense coming from the SPC.  Long-tracked strong tornadoes!  I'll have to be living vicariously through all my chaser friends on the live streams today!  And everyone on earth is chasing the plains today!  The computer was reformatted yesterday, so I hope it's ready for the onslaught!

Stay safe out there, chaser friends!  These storms are going to be moving fast!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


SPC has issued a MDT Risk for part of the Plains for tomorrow!  SPC and everyone else on earth is playing KS tomorrow.  Me?  I'm sticking with my Wichita Falls, TX for some reason.  Why?  I have a hunch....  And I'm stubborn!

If I were really chasing on Monday, I would probably freak out and change my target, because I wouldn't want to miss anything.  My secondary target is Enid, OK.

So I'm excited to see what happens!  Hooray for trying to learn forecasting!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Monday looks to be one of those days in the Plains!  Since I'm out of school I got back into my typical Saturday morning routine of cleaning, but then I decided to pretend I was chasing on Monday in the Plains and pick a target.

Right now, I think I will play the dryline that forms along the panhandles of OK and TX.  (Please bare with me.. I am learning so if I say something stupid, please let me know!) I'm picking Wichita Falls TX as my target.  I'm sticking with that for now.  I'll update as the times get closer.  CAPE is insane! Check this out from!

Armchair chasing is the life for me right now!!!

In other news, we booked our tours to Edinburgh and Stonehenge this morning!  I decided to through in a full day London tour, since a lot of the places we want to go are included in the price.  That will give us a couple of days to just explore on our own and see what kind of trouble we can find!  There are pubs all around the hotel, and by the end of our trip, I fully expect to know everyone by name in the pubs, as well as learn many English drinking songs!  I want to go to a Football (soccer) game while we are there, but we'll see what we can find!

I'm so excited!!!  I'm not even going to look at the models for the week we will be gone.  I can almost guarantee a perfectly chaseable setup will come rolling right through our area, and a perfectly photogenic tornado will appear in that huge field near our house (the only place you could see a perfectly photogenic tornado), and dissipate just before hitting any homes. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Busier than EVER!

School is out, and I have been busier than ever!  My mornings are all I have right now.  Gotta do something while drinking my coffee, especially when there is nothing for me to look at in the models at the moment.

The UK countdown has officially begun!  This weekend, we are planning on doing shopping to get extra memory cards for our camera and an external hard drive to dump our videos down!  We will also be purchasing our excursions, which include a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland and a trip to Stonehenge, Bath, and Salisbury!  Reality has not hit me yet.  It still doesn't seem real. 

Anyway....  It won't be long now!  Between now and then, a little weather would be nice.  But please, NO weather on the day I'm flying out or coming back!!!  Thunderstorms, airplanes, and me do not mix!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Two Semesters Down... How Many To Go?

Very late Sunday night, I finished my second semester of grad school!  Phew!  It's been a rough year.  Adjusting to school while working has been challenging to say the least.  I made the decision to take the summer off, which in the end will extend my stint in school.  I need the break, especially with starting a new job.

As far as chasing goes, I don't want to talk about it.  I wanted to go out on Saturday, but who wants to chase a linear mess that dumped 13 inches of rain?  I really regret missing the setup of a couple of weeks ago, due to schedule conflicts.  Ugh.... Why can't the perfect setup head my way?

Right now, I'm not seeing any chasing opportunities in the near future.  I'm hoping that changes before I leave for the UK.  If not, I most likely have missed out on any chance of chasing this year.  I'm not giving up hope yet, though!!!