Saturday, April 24, 2010


So I get up this morning, and the system is a little bit further west than I had hoped!  I have a commitment that I cannot miss at 6pm tonight.  I'm looking at the models and trying to figure out the timing of this system.

As of right now, I have it calculated to hit the Chattanooga area between 7pm and 9pm, which is NOT what I wanted!!  That would mean I would need to be in my target of Huntsville between 4pm and 6pm.  I cannot miss my niece's confirmation no matter what!

As of right now, I'm still doing SOMETHING.  I just don't know what yet.  It may end up that I just set up a tripod on the front porch and try to get some amazing lightning shots, and I was thinking about building a hail pad since we are probably going to get some big hail today.  I'm a bit of a hail junkie!

We'll see how it goes.  I'm keeping optimistic.  If I have to chase around here, it's fine too, but I'm not chasing after dark.  No way!!

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