Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 4--Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor

I'd like to apologize, because blogging has become increasingly difficult for me.  I am loving my job, but it is getting harder and harder for me to come home and sit in front of a computer screen!!!

Anyway...  Day 4, we got up early and made our way to Victoria Station to catch the bus to Windsor, Stonehenge and Bath.  Riding the tube....  That is an experience.  We rode the Metro in Washington DC and Marta in Atlanta.  The Metro could be stressful, but the Tube was very stressful during rush hour!  Lot's of running and trying to get out of everyone's way!  Poor Stacey.  He was feeling so terrible at this point.

We made it to the bus station and waited patiently for our tour bus to arrive.  Our first stop was Windsor Castle, the weekend home for the Queen.  We kept missing the Queen.  When we were at Buckingham Palace, she was at Windsor.  When we were at Windsor, she was somewhere else preparing for the Derby that was going to be held that weekend.  Windsor Castle was gorgeous.  Too bad, you can't take any pictures inside these places.  I was much more impressed with it than I was with Buckingham.  Henry the VIII built the castle and he was also buried there.  I got chill bumps as I stood beside his grave, where he was buried with Jane Seymour who was his favorite wife since she provided his only male child.  Here's a picture of Windsor Castle:
Changing of the guard at Windsor Castle:

The little town of Windsor was really neat, too.  So quaint.  One thing we learned from this trip is that getting OUT of London is a must!!!  We would have taken more trips outside the city if we would have realized this!! 

We were now on the road to Bath.  I am a Literature nerd.  I've read the Canterbury Tales, as well as TONS of historical fiction.  I know all about Bath!  It used to be a summer place for the gentry and it is also home to the Roman baths, discovered by the Romans over a thousand (!!!!!) years ago!  So many of these places are so hard to explain...  You just have to SEE it!  Bath was filled with street performers of all kinds.  I absolutely loved this place.  It's one of those places that I could see myself living.  I felt a very strong connection to this city.  After our tour of the Roman baths and walking around the city, we sat down and enjoyed the comedy of a street performer who was also a magician!  He was so funny!  :)

The Abbey in Bath:

Stonehenge....  Our tour guide got it all wrong on this one.  He said, basically it was just a pile of rocks so we wouldn't be staying for more than 30 minutes.  When we got to Stonehenge, I was completely moved. It is something to see, really.  I wouldn't trade our experience there for the entire world!!!  It was much more than a pile of rocks to me and Stacey.  Stacey had done an extensive research project on Stonehenge, so he was able to give me a lot of insight.  We took tons of pictures.  These are my favorites:

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