I already posted something about 2009 on Facebook. 2009 was a very stressful year. It started off as a pretty good year, even though I knew one of my best friends was moving away.
Once the month of May got here, Stacey and I celebrated our 10th anniversary by spending a week in California. I learned I could totally live in San Diego! We loved LA, except the traffic on the 405. Stacey did a great job driving through LA!!
Then when we returned home from vacation we got the shocking news that my sister has colon cancer, stage III. She had her 50th birthday in February. This was hard news for my mom and the rest of us. I know personally I struggled with focusing on my job and my life at home for a few months as she started treatment because there was just so much unknown! She had her colon removed, and now, THANKS BE TO GOD, she has been healed! She has many more tests to go through, but at least the worst is over right now! Ans that is truly something to be thankful for!
My uncle, Johnny, has also been in poor health. This has been especially hard for my mom. She's the big sister, and their mother died when they were both young, so mom really played a large role in raising my uncle. He is doing much better now! He's in a nursing home, but he's definitely better than he was a few weeks back!
As for 2010, I'm not making any resolutions... I'm going to call them goals. Resolutions get broken. Goals are something to strive for. Here is my list:
#1: Vacation in the UK
#2: Spotter Training class!
#3: Participate in a few local chases to get a little experience close to home
#4: As always, lose a few pounds!!
#5: Learn, learn, learn! Learning is one of my favorite things! I'm going to learn all I can next year!
#6: Get a digital SLR camera and take some photography classes before the UK trip!
#7: Focus on the positives this year!
Happy 2010 everyone!!
When to Measure New Snowfall
2 months ago